Returns & refunds

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase from our website, you can return your item(s) for a refund within 14 days of confirmed delivery. If you would like to return your item(s), please follow the instructions at the bottom of this page.

You will be liable for the shipping and any applicable customs/duty fees returning the item(s). Please declare the return as such to prevent double-paying any import fees. In order to determine whether the return is due to a technical problem, we will investigate the item(s) upon arrival. If the item is defective, you will have the choice between a replacement unit or a full refund.

Returned merchandise must be in its original packaging. The only exception for this is faulty items returned with the intention of receiving a replacement or repair. Attach the label to the sealed box and do not forget to cover or peel off any existing shipping labels. Please include a note with the original 4-digit order number and reason for the return within the package for us to identify and process it accordingly.

If returning a faulty product for a replacent, please only include the faulty units rather than the entire set. For example, if returning one of our MicroFoggers, please only include the MicroFogger unit itself without the accompanying accessories.

We strongly advise that when you are returning your item(s) with a carrier of your choice that you use a traceable shipping method. Please note that Vosentech cannot be held accountable for returns made that have not reached our Returns Department. The address of our returns is as follows:

2140 W Olympic Blvd
Ste 550
Los Angeles
CA 90006

It may take up to 7 business days for your return to reach the Vosentech Returns Department. Once it is received and inspected, your refund will be processed and automatically applied to the PayPal account through with the initial payment was made. Business days are defined Monday-Friday.